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Sabtu, 06 Juli 2013

Optimized Link State Routing Protocol (OLSR)

Optimized Link State Routing Protocol (OLSR) - do you know that every day there are new gadgets that are created, every gadget has its own way to use it, in blogs Review All Gadget we are reviewing gadgets from various brands ranging from spec, price and how to use the feature, now we are discussing iformasi that you are looking for Optimized Link State Routing Protocol (OLSR) this information we collect from many reliable sources so that complete for you. please see.

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    Optimized Link State Routing Protocol (OLSR)

    Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) protocol for mobile ad hoc networks. The protocol is an optimization of the classical link state algorithm tailored to the requirements of a mobile wireless LAN. The key concept used in the protocol is that of multipoint relays (MPRs). MPRs are selected nodes which forward broadcast messages during the flooding process. This technique substantially reduces the message overhead as compared to a classical flooding mechanism, where every node retransmits each message when it receives the first copy of the message. In OLSR, link state information is generated only by nodes elected as MPRs. Thus, a second optimization is achieved by minimizing the number of control messages flooded in the network. As a third optimization, an MPR node may choose to report only links between itself and its MPR selectors. Hence, as contrary to the classic link state algorithm, partial link state information is distributed in the network. Thisinformation is then used for route calculation. OLSR provides optimal routes (in terms of number of hops). The protocol is particularly suitable for large and dense networks as the technique of MPRs works well in this contex


    # ======================================================================
    # Define options
    # ======================================================================
    set opt(chan)           Channel/WirelessChannel  ;# channel type
    #set opt(prop)           Propagation/TwoRayGround   ;# radio-propagation model
    set opt(prop)           Propagation/Shadowing   ;# radio-propagation model
    set opt(netif)          Phy/WirelessPhy          ;# network interface type
    set opt(mac)            Mac/802_11               ;# MAC type
    set opt(ifq)            Queue/DropTail/PriQueue  ;# interface queue type
    set opt(ll)             LL                       ;# link layer type
    set opt(ant)            Antenna/OmniAntenna      ;# antenna model
    set opt(ifqlen)         50                       ;# max packet in ifq
    set opt(nn)             11                       ;# number of mobilenodes
    set opt(adhocRouting)   OLSR                 ;# routing protocol

    set opt(cp)             ""                       ;# connection pattern file
    set opt(sc)             ""                       ;# node movement file.

    set opt(x)              1000                     ;# x coordinate of topology
    set opt(y)              1000                     ;# y coordinate of topology
    set opt(seed) X
    set opt(stop)           50                       ;# time to stop simulation

    set opt(cbr-start)      5.0
    set opt(cbr-stop)       45.0
    set opt(pa-start)       7.0
    set opt(pa-stop)        37.0
    set opt(pa1-start)      9.0
    set opt(pa1-stop)       39.0
    # ============================================================================

    # check for random seed
    if {$opt(seed) > 0} {
        puts "Seeding Random number generator with $opt(seed)\n"
        ns-random $opt(seed)

    #Ganho das antenas
    Antenna/OmniAntenna set Gt_ 18.0
    Antenna/OmniAntenna set Gr_ 18.0

    Phy/WirelessPhy set bandwidth_ 11Mb

    # frequencia (2.4 GHz 802.11b) {Alcance = 276 metros}
    Phy/WirelessPhy set freq_ 2.4e+9

    Mac/802_11 set dataRate_ 11Mb
    Mac/802_11 set basicRate_ 2Mb

    Propagation/Shadowing set pathlossExp_ 2.7       ;#expoente de perdas
    Propagation/Shadowing set std_db_ 4.0           ;#desvio padrao (dB)
    #Propagation/TwoRayGround set L_ 1.0

    # create simulator instance
    set ns_ [new Simulator]

    # control OLSR behaviour from this script -
    # commented lines are not needed because
    # those are default values
    Agent/OLSR set use_mac_              true
    Agent/OLSR set debug_                true
    Agent/OLSR set willingness           3
    Agent/OLSR set hello_ival_           2
    Agent/OLSR set tc_ival_              5
    Agent/OLSR set mpr_algorithm_        1
    Agent/OLSR set routing_algorithm_    1
    Agent/OLSR set link_quality_         1
    Agent/OLSR set fish_eye_             false
    Agent/OLSR set link_delay_           false
    Agent/OLSR set tc_redundancy_        1
    Agent/OLSR set c_alpha_              0.6

    # open traces
    $ns_ use-newtrace
    set tracefd  [open w]
    set namtrace [open simulation.nam w]
    $ns_ trace-all $tracefd
    $ns_ namtrace-all-wireless $namtrace $opt(x) $opt(y)

    # create topography object
    set topo [new Topography]

    # define topology
    $topo load_flatgrid $opt(x) $opt(y)

    # create God
    create-god $opt(nn)

    # configure mobile nodes
    $ns_ node-config -adhocRouting $opt(adhocRouting) \
                     -llType $opt(ll) \
                     -macType $opt(mac) \
                     -ifqType $opt(ifq) \
                     -ifqLen $opt(ifqlen) \
                     -antType $opt(ant) \
                     -propType $opt(prop) \
                     -phyType $opt(netif) \
                     -channelType $opt(chan) \
                     -topoInstance $topo \
                     -wiredRouting OFF \
                     -agentTrace ON \
                     -routerTrace ON \
                     -macTrace OFF

    for {set i 1} {$i < $opt(nn)} {incr i} {
        set node_($i) [$ns_ node]

    # positions

    $node_(1) set X_ 160.0  #CAPACIT
    $node_(1) set Y_ 485.0
    $node_(1) set Z_ 15.0

    $node_(2) set X_ 305.0  #DI
    $node_(2) set Y_ 277.0
    $node_(2) set Z_ 15.0

    $node_(3) set X_ 340.0   #SECOM
    $node_(3) set Y_ 226.0
    $node_(3) set Z_ 15.0

    $node_(4) set X_ 270.0  #Grad Basico
    $node_(4) set Y_ 32.0
    $node_(4) set Z_ 15.0

    $node_(5) set X_ 476.0  #Reitoria
    $node_(5) set Y_ 200.0
    $node_(5) set Z_ 15.0

    $node_(6) set X_ 628.0  #Incubadora
    $node_(6) set Y_ 320.0
    $node_(6) set Z_ 15.0

    $node_(7) set X_ 570.0  #Musica
    $node_(7) set Y_ 440.0
    $node_(7) set Z_ 15.0

    $node_(8) set X_ 780.0  #LABS
    $node_(8) set Y_ 480.0
    $node_(8) set Z_ 15.0

    $node_(9) set X_ 918.0  #CT
    $node_(9) set Y_ 597.0
    $node_(9) set Z_ 15.0

    $node_(10) set X_ 968.0  #Grad Profissional
    $node_(10) set Y_ 550.0
    $node_(10) set Z_ 15.0

    # cores
    $ns_ color 1 red
    $ns_ color 2 blue
    $ns_ color 3 yellow

    # setup UDP connection
    set udp [new Agent/UDP]
    $udp set class_ 1
    set null [new Agent/Null]
    $ns_ attach-agent $node_(1) $udp
    $ns_ attach-agent $node_(10) $null
    $ns_ connect $udp $null
    $udp set fid_ 1

    set cbr [new Application/Traffic/CBR]
    $cbr set packetSize_ 40     # RTP + UDP + Payload
    $cbr set rate_ 8Kb
    $cbr attach-agent $udp
    $ns_ at 5.0 "$cbr start"
    $ns_ at 45.0  "$cbr stop"

    set udp1 [new Agent/UDP]
    $udp1 set class_ 2
    set null1 [new Agent/Null]
    $ns_ attach-agent $node_(10) $udp1
    $ns_ attach-agent $node_(1) $null1
    $ns_ connect $udp1 $null1
    $udp1 set fid_ 2

    set cbr1 [new Application/Traffic/CBR]
    $cbr1 set packetSize_ 40     # RTP + UDP + Payload
    $cbr1 set rate_ 8Kb
    $cbr1 attach-agent $udp1
    $ns_ at 5.0 "$cbr1 start"
    $ns_ at 45.0  "$cbr1 stop"

    set udp2 [new Agent/UDP]
    $udp2 set class_ 3
    set null2 [new Agent/Null]
    $ns_ attach-agent $node_(5) $udp2
    $ns_ attach-agent $node_(1) $null2
    $ns_ connect $udp2 $null2
    $udp2 set fid_ 3

    set cbr2 [new Application/Traffic/CBR]
    $cbr2 set packetSize_ 40     # RTP + UDP + Payload
    $cbr2 set rate_ 8Kb
    $cbr2 attach-agent $udp2
    $ns_ at 7.0 "$cbr2 start"
    $ns_ at 45.0  "$cbr2 stop"

    set udp3 [new Agent/UDP]
    $udp3 set class_ 4
    set null3 [new Agent/Null]
    $ns_ attach-agent $node_(1) $udp3
    $ns_ attach-agent $node_(5) $null3
    $ns_ connect $udp3 $null3
    $udp3 set fid_ 4

    set cbr3 [new Application/Traffic/CBR]
    $cbr3 set packetSize_ 40     # RTP + UDP + Payload
    $cbr3 set rate_ 8Kb
    $cbr3 attach-agent $udp3
    $ns_ at 7.0 "$cbr3 start"
    $ns_ at 45.0  "$cbr3 stop"

    set udp4 [new Agent/UDP]
    $udp4 set class_ 5
    set null4 [new Agent/Null]
    $ns_ attach-agent $node_(5) $udp4
    $ns_ attach-agent $node_(9) $null4
    $ns_ connect $udp4 $null4
    $udp4 set fid_ 5

    set cbr4 [new Application/Traffic/CBR]
    $cbr4 set packetSize_ 40     # RTP + UDP + Payload
    $cbr4 set rate_ 8Kb
    $cbr4 attach-agent $udp4
    $ns_ at 9.0 "$cbr4 start"
    $ns_ at 45.0  "$cbr4 stop"

    set udp5 [new Agent/UDP]
    $udp5 set class_ 6
    set null5 [new Agent/Null]
    $ns_ attach-agent $node_(9) $udp5
    $ns_ attach-agent $node_(5) $null5
    $ns_ connect $udp5 $null5
    $udp5 set fid_ 6

    set cbr5 [new Application/Traffic/CBR]
    $cbr5 set packetSize_ 40     # RTP + UDP + Payload
    $cbr5 set rate_ 8Kb
    $cbr5 attach-agent $udp5
    $ns_ at 9.0 "$cbr5 start"
    $ns_ at 45.0  "$cbr5 stop"

    #DI -> CT
    set udp6 [new Agent/UDP]
    $udp6 set class_ 7
    set null6 [new Agent/Null]
    $ns_ attach-agent $node_(2) $udp6
    $ns_ attach-agent $node_(9) $null6
    $ns_ connect $udp6 $null6
    $udp6 set fid_ 7

    set cbr6 [new Application/Traffic/CBR]
    $cbr6 set packetSize_ 40     # RTP + UDP + Payload
    $cbr6 set rate_ 8Kb
    $cbr6 attach-agent $udp6
    $ns_ at 11.0 "$cbr6 start"
    $ns_ at 45.0  "$cbr6 stop"

    #CT -> DI
    set udp7 [new Agent/UDP]
    $udp7 set class_ 8
    set null7 [new Agent/Null]
    $ns_ attach-agent $node_(9) $udp7
    $ns_ attach-agent $node_(2) $null7
    $ns_ connect $udp7 $null7
    $udp7 set fid_ 8

    set cbr7 [new Application/Traffic/CBR]
    $cbr7 set packetSize_ 40     # RTP + UDP + Payload
    $cbr7 set rate_ 8Kb
    $cbr7 attach-agent $udp7
    $ns_ at 11.0 "$cbr7 start"
    $ns_ at 45.0  "$cbr7 stop"

    #SECOM -> LABS
    set udp8 [new Agent/UDP]
    $udp8 set class_ 9
    set null8 [new Agent/Null]
    $ns_ attach-agent $node_(3) $udp8
    $ns_ attach-agent $node_(8) $null8
    $ns_ connect $udp8 $null8
    $udp8 set fid_ 9

    set cbr8 [new Application/Traffic/CBR]
    $cbr8 set packetSize_ 40     # RTP + UDP + Payload
    $cbr8 set rate_ 8Kb
    $cbr8 attach-agent $udp8
    $ns_ at 13.0 "$cbr8 start"
    $ns_ at 45.0  "$cbr8 stop"

    #LABS -> SECOM
    set udp9 [new Agent/UDP]
    $udp9 set class_ 10
    set null9 [new Agent/Null]
    $ns_ attach-agent $node_(8) $udp9
    $ns_ attach-agent $node_(3) $null9
    $ns_ connect $udp9 $null9
    $udp9 set fid_ 10

    set cbr9 [new Application/Traffic/CBR]
    $cbr9 set packetSize_ 40     # RTP + UDP + Payload
    $cbr9 set rate_ 8Kb
    $cbr9 attach-agent $udp9
    $ns_ at 13.0 "$cbr9 start"
    $ns_ at 45.0  "$cbr9 stop"

    #DI -> SECOM
    set udp10 [new Agent/UDP]
    $udp10 set class_ 11
    set null10 [new Agent/Null]
    $ns_ attach-agent $node_(2) $udp10
    $ns_ attach-agent $node_(3) $null10
    $ns_ connect $udp10 $null10
    $udp10 set fid_ 11

    set cbr10 [new Application/Traffic/CBR]
    $cbr10 set packetSize_ 40     # RTP + UDP + Payload
    $cbr10 set rate_ 8Kb
    $cbr10 attach-agent $udp10
    $ns_ at 15.0 "$cbr10 start"
    $ns_ at 45.0  "$cbr10 stop"

    #SECOM -> DI
    set udp11 [new Agent/UDP]
    $udp11 set class_ 12
    set null11 [new Agent/Null]
    $ns_ attach-agent $node_(3) $udp11
    $ns_ attach-agent $node_(2) $null11
    $ns_ connect $udp11 $null11
    $udp11 set fid_ 12

    set cbr11 [new Application/Traffic/CBR]
    $cbr11 set packetSize_ 40     # RTP + UDP + Payload
    $cbr11 set rate_ 8Kb
    $cbr11 attach-agent $udp11
    $ns_ at 15.0 "$cbr11 start"
    $ns_ at 45.0  "$cbr11 stop"

    # configurando trafego de background - pareto
    # DI -> LABS
    set tcp [new Agent/TCP]
    $tcp set class_ 13
    set sink [new Agent/TCPSink]
    $ns_ attach-agent $node_(2) $tcp
    $ns_ attach-agent $node_(8) $sink
    $ns_ connect $tcp $sink
    $tcp set fid_ 13

    set p [new Application/Traffic/Pareto]
    $p set packetSize_ 210
    $p set burst_time_ 500ms
    $p set idle_time_ 500ms
    $p set rate_ 200k
    $p set shape_ 1.5
    $p attach-agent $tcp
    $ns_ at 6.0 "$p start"
    $ns_ at 35.0  "$p stop"

    set tcp1 [new Agent/TCP]
    $tcp1 set class_ 14
    set sink1 [new Agent/TCPSink]
    $ns_ attach-agent $node_(4) $tcp1
    $ns_ attach-agent $node_(9) $sink1
    $ns_ connect $tcp1 $sink1
    $tcp1 set fid_ 14

    set p1 [new Application/Traffic/Pareto]
    $p1 set packetSize_ 210
    $p1 set burst_time_ 500ms
    $p1 set idle_time_ 500ms
    $p1 set rate_ 200k
    $p1 set shape_ 1.5
    $p1 attach-agent $tcp1
    $ns_ at 8.0 "$p1 start"
    $ns_ at 35.0  "$p1 stop"

    set tcp2 [new Agent/TCP]
    $tcp2 set class_ 15
    set sink2 [new Agent/TCPSink]
    $ns_ attach-agent $node_(3) $tcp2
    $ns_ attach-agent $node_(10) $sink2
    $ns_ connect $tcp2 $sink2
    $tcp2 set fid_ 15

    set p2 [new Application/Traffic/Pareto]
    $p2 set packetSize_ 210
    $p2 set burst_time_ 500ms
    $p2 set idle_time_ 500ms
    $p2 set rate_ 200k
    $p2 set shape_ 1.5
    $p2 attach-agent $tcp2
    $ns_ at 10.0 "$p2 start"
    $ns_ at 35.0  "$p2 stop"

    ## Label the Special Node in NAM
    $ns_ at 0.0 "$node_(1) label CAPACIT"
    $ns_ at 0.0 "$node_(2) label Dep_Informatica"
    $ns_ at 0.0 "$node_(3) label SECOM"
    $ns_ at 0.0 "$node_(4) label Grad_Basico"
    $ns_ at 0.0 "$node_(5) label Reitoria"
    $ns_ at 0.0 "$node_(6) label Incubadora"
    $ns_ at 0.0 "$node_(7) label Musica"
    $ns_ at 0.0 "$node_(8) label Laboratorios"
    $ns_ at 0.0 "$node_(9) label Centro_Tec"
    $ns_ at 0.0 "$node_(10) label Grad_Profissional"

    # print (in the trace file) routing table and other
    # internal data structures on a per-node basis
    #$ns_ at 5.0 "[$node_(1) agent 255] print_rtable"
    #$ns_ at 5.0 "[$node_(2) agent 255] print_rtable"
    #$ns_ at 5.0 "[$node_(3) agent 255] print_rtable"
    #$ns_ at 5.0 "[$node_(4) agent 255] print_rtable"
    #$ns_ at 5.0 "[$node_(5) agent 255] print_rtable"
    #$ns_ at 5.0 "[$node_(6) agent 255] print_rtable"
    #$ns_ at 5.0 "[$node_(7) agent 255] print_rtable"
    #$ns_ at 5.0 "[$node_(8) agent 255] print_rtable"
    #$ns_ at 5.0 "[$node_(9) agent 255] print_rtable"
    #$ns_ at 5.0 "[$node_(10) agent 255] print_rtable"
    #$ns_ at 5.0 "[$node_(1) agent 255] print_linkset"
    #$ns_ at 5.0 "[$node_(1) agent 255] print_nbset"
    #$ns_ at 5.0 "[$node_(1) agent 255] print_nb2hopset"
    #$ns_ at 5.0 "[$node_(1) agent 255] print_mprset"
    #$ns_ at 5.0 "[$node_(1) agent 255] print_mprselset"
    #$ns_ at 5.0 "[$node_(1) agent 255] print_topologyset"

    # source connection-pattern and node-movement scripts
    if { $opt(cp) == "" } {
        puts "*** NOTE: no connection pattern specified."
        set opt(cp) "none"
    } else {
        puts "Loading connection pattern..."
        source $opt(cp)
    if { $opt(sc) == "" } {
        puts "*** NOTE: no scenario file specified."
        set opt(sc) "none"
    } else {
        puts "Loading scenario file..."
        source $opt(sc)
        puts "Load complete..."

    # define initial node position in nam
    for {set i 1} {$i < $opt(nn)} {incr i} {
        $ns_ initial_node_pos $node_($i) 20

    # tell all nodes when the simulation ends
    for {set i 1} {$i < $opt(nn) } {incr i} {
        $ns_ at $opt(stop).0 "$node_($i) reset";

    $ns_ at $opt(stop).0002 "puts \"NS EXITING...\" ; $ns_ halt"
    $ns_ at $opt(stop).0001 "stop"

    proc stop {} {
        global ns_ tracefd namtrace
        $ns_ flush-trace
        close $tracefd
        close $namtrace

    # begin simulation
    puts "Starting Simulation..."

    $ns_ run

    information Optimized Link State Routing Protocol (OLSR) has been discussed

    hopefully the information we provide with title Optimized Link State Routing Protocol (OLSR) can provide more benefits for you.

    well this information Optimized Link State Routing Protocol (OLSR) we have finished, if you intend to bookmark or sharenya can use link

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