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Rabu, 13 Maret 2013

Chart: Apple users watch 2X as much video as Android users

Chart: Apple users watch 2X as much video as Android users - do you know that every day there are new gadgets that are created, every gadget has its own way to use it, in blogs Review All Gadget we are reviewing gadgets from various brands ranging from spec, price and how to use the feature, now we are discussing iformasi that you are looking for Chart: Apple users watch 2X as much video as Android users this information we collect from many reliable sources so that complete for you. please see.

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Chart: Apple users watch 2X as much video as Android users

FORTUNE -- The year in review report issued Monday by Ooyala, a venture-funded video services company founded by former Google (GOOG) employees, is 27 pages long. But the only page that's getting any attention is the one that shows Apple (AAPL) iOS users spending twice as much time watching videos on their devices as Android users. It's a finding, Ooyala points out, that seems to fly in the face of IDC market share data that had Android outselling Apple in 2012 by more than three to one.
Why the discrepancy? We've seen several explanations:

  • Apple users are different from Android users
  • iPhones and iPads are easier to use and better optimized for video
  • Android users are less likely to be rich Americans with access to the high-bandwidth networks needed to stream video
  • IDC's shipment numbers are wrong -- the explanation favored two of the five news reports we read Tuesday morning (see Electronista and Phone Arena)
Ooyala is not a household name, but the company says it delivered video to nearly 200 million users in 130 countries last year and measured billions of video events to produce its report

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Related : Chart: Apple users watch 2X as much video as Android users

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