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Sabtu, 09 Maret 2013

About Metal-Mine-Media

About Metal-Mine-Media - do you know that every day there are new gadgets that are created, every gadget has its own way to use it, in blogs Review All Gadget we are reviewing gadgets from various brands ranging from spec, price and how to use the feature, now we are discussing iformasi that you are looking for About Metal-Mine-Media this information we collect from many reliable sources so that complete for you. please see.

Articles : About Metal-Mine-Media
full Link : About Metal-Mine-Media

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About Metal-Mine-Media


FREE Learning Recovery of the precious metals GOLD & SILVER :

This Site provides the complete details about the content of GOLD present in E-Wastes such as    CPU, Motherboards, SIM cards etc. Also SILVER content present in X-RAY Films, Fixer-Solution, Button Cells etc. It also provides the details of chemicals used for the recovery purpose by which it will be easy for you to recover the precious metals and make it as a Part time / Full time income. 

Electronic appliances are composed of thousands of different materials that can be both toxic but also of high economic value. While bulk materials such as iron, aluminium, plastics and glass account for over 80 weight %, valuable materials are found in smaller quantities but are still of high importance. Gold, Silver, copper, platinum etc. are just some of the valuable substances which turn recycling of e-waste into a lucrative business opportunity. 

CAUTION: E-wastes contains Dangerous/ hazardous toxic gas which harms human body in a very critical way. So unless you have a proper knowledge about the chemicals or the proper chemistry background, then 
do not get into E-waste recycling.  

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