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Sabtu, 17 September 2016


DO NOT THROWAWAY JANNAH FOR WORLDLY LIFE - do you know that every day there are new gadgets that are created, every gadget has its own way to use it, in blogs Review All Gadget we are reviewing gadgets from various brands ranging from spec, price and how to use the feature, now we are discussing iformasi that you are looking for DO NOT THROWAWAY JANNAH FOR WORLDLY LIFE this information we collect from many reliable sources so that complete for you. please see.

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Surround yourself with Muslims who practice the Deen. They are ur only True Friends in this Life and in the Hereafter.

Not everybody is out there to judge you, there are some who want the best for you and want to help you get into Al-Jannah, value them.

Indeed, a friend who doesn't care about your Aakhirāh is not really your friend.

Sometimes the hardest person for you to correct is yourself. There is no shame in being wrong, the shame is in choosing to stay on the wrong path.

Whatever takes you NEAR to Allah, takes you AWAY from Hellfire. Whatever takes you AWAY from Allah, takes you CLOSER to Hellfire.

We all take tomorrow for granted because we believe tomorrow will always be there. Tomorrow may be there, but we may not!

Who said "TOMORROW" is guaranteed? Make the use of "TODAY" that you are blessed with!

Yesterday many thought that they would see today, and today many will think they will see tomorrow.

Death could be tonight, in the next hour, the next second, yet we live as if we still have so many years to live.

You may be rich, famous or have a high status in this dunyah, but to the Angel of Death, you're just another name on the list.

Our death and meeting with our Creator is approaching and yet our biggest worry is what are we going to wear tomorrow? ‪#‎in‬ competition

One day you'll just be a memory for people, and a lesson to others. Do everything you can to please Allah, be a positive lesson.

Just imagine how many people were here with us last year, but are no longer here again! Even our turn is soon approaching. May Allah forgive us an forgive them.

We walk with our heads high up in the sky, unaware that one day we'll be trapped 6' Feet under the ground. ‪#‎Reminder‬

You look for the latest fashion and designer clothes, but don't forget O' Son of Adam! You will end up being wrapped up in just a white shroud.

Live to please the Creator, not the creation. If Allah is happy with us, what more can we ask for?

It's sad how we only begin to appreciate blessings, either materialistic things or good people; only after we lose them. When it's too late!? Do we really invest to be like them?

You wouldn't throw away a diamond to pick up a rock, so in the same way, don't throw away the Aakhirah (Paradise) by chasing the Dunya (worldly).

How do you expect to get Al-Jannah (paradise) when you haven't worked for it in Dunya? That's like expecting to pass an exam you never took a class for.

We live in a time where people leave out food in fear of becoming overweight, but cannot leave out sins in fear of Allah!

For a believer. — you may be penniless, homeless, unemployed, sick and feel like you have nothing. But you have the One thing that money can't buy: "Allah".

Allāh knows what you want, what you need, what you deserve, at what time & what place, trust Him & His decisions (is best for HIS creation), He knows while you don't.

If a kaafir celebrity mentioned your name to the world, how happy would you be? Mention Allah in a gathering, and He mentions you to the angels!

And, make the Qur'an your companion and a part of your life. Don't let urself become a stranger to it. The Qur'an is like a friend, the longer the friendship lasts the more you will know of its secrets.

Don't praise me because I'm on my Deen, but pray for me because I have faults which you have not seen.

ُ"Truly, Allah loves those who repent (the prodigal son), and He loves those who cleanse themselves." [Al-Quran 2:222].

May Allah purify our hearts. And peace and blessings of Allah be upon our noble Messenger of Allah, Muhammad and his household.

Alhamdulillahi.. May Allah protect us.. Share and comment

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