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Rabu, 23 Juli 2014

Trick to Hide Files or Folders in Android Smartphone whithout any App

Trick to Hide Files or Folders in Android Smartphone whithout any App - do you know that every day there are new gadgets that are created, every gadget has its own way to use it, in blogs Review All Gadget we are reviewing gadgets from various brands ranging from spec, price and how to use the feature, now we are discussing iformasi that you are looking for Trick to Hide Files or Folders in Android Smartphone whithout any App this information we collect from many reliable sources so that complete for you. please see.

Articles : Trick to Hide Files or Folders in Android Smartphone whithout any App
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Trick to Hide Files or Folders in Android Smartphone whithout any App

You may need to hide some stuffs on your android smartphone which is personal from your cousins or friends. Today i am back with a trick to hide files and folders in Android Smartphone without using any application.

There are lots of apps available in the Play store to do this task, But Here in this tutorial i am gonna show you how to hide files in your Android device without installing any Third party application. The process is very simple and Easy to understand.

Hiding Files/Folders in Android without any app

Check out the below simple steps to Hide files and folders in android without using any application.

Step 1:  First of all Navigate your default file manager settings and Check the box "Show hidden files/folder" Now Navigate to the file or folder which you want to hide in your smartphone.

To do this you Can also Download 3rd party File manager App.

 Download File Expert which is the best File manager app that i personally use.

If you Use File Expert then you can just go to its setting and Tap on Show hidden files.

Step 2:  Once you see the file on your Screen, Long Press it so that you can rename the file, Now just add a Dot (.) Before the file name and save it.

For Example: if you file name is Image, Then you will rename it to .Image

Step 3:You will still be able to see that file because we have Show Hidden files/folders Enabled. so our next step is again go to file manager settings and turn off Show hidden files/folders.

Step 4:  Now Navigate to the file that you renamed, You will not be able to find it because its now hidden.

How to get the file back:

To get back the hidden file you Can now again Turn on Show hidden files/folders and then rename the hidden file which will show up. just Remove the Dot that we added before the name.

That it your file is no longer hidden. i hope you will like this short little but useful trick. Try it yourself.

information Trick to Hide Files or Folders in Android Smartphone whithout any App has been discussed

hopefully the information we provide with title Trick to Hide Files or Folders in Android Smartphone whithout any App can provide more benefits for you.

well this information Trick to Hide Files or Folders in Android Smartphone whithout any App we have finished, if you intend to bookmark or sharenya can use link

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Related : Trick to Hide Files or Folders in Android Smartphone whithout any App

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