There was a debate about the above mentioned topic on www.debate.org
It was very interesting how 50% of the audience said 'yes' and 50% said 'no'.

In favor of topic :
I have a lot of support for Google, and Google Wallet. I believe Google Wallet is a safe and secure way to handle money. With the encryption and expertise that Google has already with money handling, and security, I have complete support for Google and the Google Wallet feature. I believe that Google Wallet will gain interest and traction as more people become aware of the feature that Google offers.
There was a debate about the above mentioned topic on www.debate.org
It was very interesting how 50% of the audience said 'yes' and 50% said 'no'.
In favor of topic :
I believe Google Wallet can be trusted.
I have a lot of support for Google, and Google Wallet. I believe Google Wallet is a safe and secure way to handle money. With the encryption and expertise that Google has already with money handling, and security, I have complete support for Google and the Google Wallet feature. I believe that Google Wallet will gain interest and traction as more people become aware of the feature that Google offers.
Against the topic :
No, you cannot trust Google Wallet.
Google wallet has quite a few functions that could be desirable, like virtually wiring money with emails, but it creates incredible opportunities for hackers. Over the past 10 years I have had my gmail account, I have been hacked numerous times. Why would I ever trust to have my financial security attached to something so readily accessed? It would not be a good idea to trust the Google Wallet function with your money.
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