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Senin, 30 Januari 2012

Nash Holos Unveils New Look, New Programs For 2012

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    Nash Holos Unveils New Look, New Programs For 2012

    Shortwave America business partner and close friend, Paulette Demchuck MacQuarrie, has re-designed her website and brings us new programming for 2012.

    You can hear Nash Holos "Sundays at 6 pm on AM1320 CHMB Vancouver. The program also streams live at the CHMB website. The podcast is available at iTunes and audio archives on the Playlist page.

    The international edition of Nash Holos Ukrainian Roots Radio can be heard weekends on PCJ Radio and the shortwave broadcast on WRMI Radio Miami International airs the second week of the month on Fridays at 0200UTC (Thursdays 6 pm PST)." - Nash Holos Website Quote

    For your convenience and ease of access to Paulette's new shows for 2012, Shortwave America is listing the newest shows with their respective content lists so all of the fans, followers, and listeners here can see the high quality of Paulette's work. What makes Nash Holos such a joy to listen to is the upbeat, positive, and educational experience Paulette presents. Nash Holos is really a welcome break from the bad news and destruction we hear about on so many stations around the world. This is a show that allows a person to relax and enjoy the light - hearted aspects of culture and people that has been largely lost in today's anxiety ridden world.

    Paulette credits the support she finds in her husband, the folks at CHMB Radio, her Nash Holos reporters / contributors, Keith Perron, and most of all, her listeners for what Nash Holos has become and the greater potentials it still has yet to achieve.

     Nash Holos Podcast - Jan. 01, 2012

    Listen or Download HERE

    What's on this week:

    Why Sylvia is nuts about candy, tourism booming in Chernobyl, Ukrainian Christmas and New Year's carols, season's greetings from the local community, & more!

    Show notes:

    Ukrainian Food Flair: Sylvia Molnar with a recipe for Almond Brittle (Макаґіґі - Makagigi)
    Ukraine News Outlook with Keith Perron: Keith brings us a special feature on the eco-tourism boom in Chernobyl.
    Other items of interest: Proverb of the Week, upcoming local events, Ukrainian Christmas carols, and more!

    Щедрий вечір - Volyn (Ukraine)
    Щедрик - Andriana Gnap (USA)
    Щедрівка - Hoosli (Winnipeg)
    Little White Goat - Voloshky Trio (Saskatoon)
    Ірод цар - AKORD Men's Choir (Ottawa)
    Новорічна - Trio Lybid (Ukraine)
    Народився Бог - Шоколад (Ukraine)
    Ой дзяде, дзяде - Drevo (Ukraine)
    Ой ходять пави - Pikkardijska Tertsia (Ukraine)
    Ой там за двором - Vesnivka (Toronto)
    Щедрик - Луганські Козаки (Ukraine)
    Добрий вечір тобі - Ruslana (Ukraine)
    Жала Улянка - Svitanok Chorus (Vancouver)
    Щедрівонька - Volyn (Ukraine)

    Nash Holos Podcast - Jan. 08, 2012

    What's on this week: Sylvia's homemade pickled herring, Ukraine's post-Cold War military activities, Fr. Ihor Kutash on culture and the church, Ukrainian Christmas carols, & more! See Show Notes (below) for more details, listen to the show for full details!

    Listen or Download HERE

    Show Notes

    Ukrainian Food Flair: Sylvia Molnar with a recipe for homemade pickled herring
    Ukraine News Outlook with Keith Perron: Special feature on Ukraine’s military activities post Cold War
    Ukrainian Christian Heritage: Fr. Ihor Kutash on the Church as culture-bearer.
    Other items of interest: Proverb of the Week, Ukrainian Christmas carols, upcoming local events, and more!


    Бог Предвічний - Sofia Fedyna (Ukraine)
    Бог Ся Раждає - Pro Anima Chorus (Ukraine)
    Весело Свівайте - Andriana Gnap (USA)
    Христос Родився - Anytchka (Ukraine) Int'l edition only
    Нова Радість Стала - Vesnivka Choir (Toronto)
    По всьому світі - Fred Penner & Hoosli Choir (Winnipeg)
    Радуйтися - Viruyu Choir (Ukraine)
    Днесь Поюще - Holy Spirit Seminarians (Ottawa)
    Вифлеємі Днес Марія - Axios Choir (Edmonton)
    Добрий Вечір Тобі - Pikkardijska Tertsia (Ukraine)
    Присвята Марія - Dnipro Chorus (Edmonton)
    Во Вифлеємі - Englot Sisters (USA)
    Возвеселімсья - Todaschuk Sisters (Winnipeg)


    Nash Holos Podcast - Jan. 15, 2012

    Listen or Download HERE

    What's on this week:
    Two salad recipes, news, Ukrainian New Year's carols by Tyt i Tam, Andriana Gnap, Sofia Fedyna, Volyn and more! See Show Notes (below) for more details, listen to the podcast for full details!

    Show Notes:

    Ukrainian Food Flair:

    Sylvia Molnar shares recipes for two yummy salads
     • Apple & Leek Salad
     • Red Cabbage Salad

    Ukraine News Outlook with Keith Perron:

    • Ukraine lowers gas supplies
    • Conflicting GDP numbers
    • Cultural sites in Kyiv crumbing

    Other items of interest:

    • Proverb of the Week
    • Upcoming local events
    • Ukrainian New Years carols, and more!

    This week's show tunes:

    Медове пиво - Tyt i Tam (Saskatoon)
    Понад Вифлеємом - Anytchka (Ukraine)
    Добрий вечір тобі - Andriana Gnap (USA)
    Щедрик - Тріо Либідь (Ukraine)
    Сієм, сієм, посіваєм - Ihor Bohdan (Ukraine)
    Ой сивая та і зозуленька - Sofia Fedyna (Ukraine)
    Що в нашого хаз'яїна - Nowytski Sisters (USA)
    В яслах лежить - Ola & Oksana Herasymenko (USA/Ukraine)
    Вчора ввечері - Volyn Ukrainian Folk Ensemble (Ukraine)
    Три славні царі - Хор Вірую (Ukraine)
    В полі, полі - Петро та Павло Приймаки (Ukraine)
    Auld Lang Syne - Pikkardijsa Tertsia (Ukraine)
    Будте здорові - Коріння (Calgary)

    Nash Holos Podcast - Jan. 22, 2012

    What's on this week: Kasha (buckwheat) recipes, Ukraine News Outlook, The Ames Brothers, music & more! See Show Notes for more details, listen for full details!

    Listen or Download HERE

    Show Notes:

    Ukrainian Food Flair:
    Sylvia Molnar explains how buckwheat is turned into "kasha" in traditional Ukrainian cuisine, and shares 3 yummy recipes.
    • Basic Kasha recipe
    • Kasha, Ham and Mushroom Casserole
    • Kasha & Cottage Cheese Casserole

    Ukraine News Outlook with Keith Perron:

    • Ukraine wants guarantees on natural gas transit volumes
    • Conflicting GDP numbers
    • Cultural sites in Kyiv crumbling

    Who Knew They Were Ukrainian?
    Keith Perron highlights popular American entertainers with Ukrainian roots.
    • This week: Ed Ames and the Ames Brothers

    Other items of interest:

    • Proverb of the Week
    • Upcoming local events
    • Great Ukrainian music!

    Jan. 22 Tunes:

    Перша пісня – Hrim (New York)
    Любий рідний край – Todaschuk Sisters (Winnipeg)
    Ой у полі криниченька – Charivna (USA)
    Як мяко вечір тіні стели – Privit (Montreal)
    Oй відсе гора – Kalyna (Winnipeg)
    Трави – UB (Edmonton)
    Майоран – Anytchka (Ukraine)
    Самотні ночі – Обійми Дощу (Ukraine)
    Crossfire Medley – The Female Beat (Winnipeg)

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