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Jumat, 10 Agustus 2012

cognitive radio cognitive network (CRCN) Simulator : in Linux mInt & ubuntu

cognitive radio cognitive network (CRCN) Simulator : in Linux mInt & ubuntu - do you know that every day there are new gadgets that are created, every gadget has its own way to use it, in blogs Review All Gadget we are reviewing gadgets from various brands ranging from spec, price and how to use the feature, now we are discussing iformasi that you are looking for cognitive radio cognitive network (CRCN) Simulator : in Linux mInt & ubuntu this information we collect from many reliable sources so that complete for you. please see.

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cognitive radio cognitive network (CRCN) Simulator : in Linux mInt & ubuntu

Cognitive radio network is a new emerging research area recently.  It enhances the existing software-defined radio, whose physical layer behavior is largely defined in software.Cognitive radio has the following characteristics  

  •  it is aware of its environment and its capabilities
  • it is able to independently alter its physical layer behavior based on its previous experience and its current environment
  • it is capable of performing the complex adaptation strategies according to the cognitive cycle
With the spectrum opportunities provided by the cognitive radio network, the wireless network users are able to share the idle spectrum for TV channel, on the condition that it does not interfere with the normal TV channel. 

This cognitive radio cognitive network (CRCN) simulator is a software based network simulator for network-level simulations. It is based on open-source NS-2 (network simulator 2). CRCN simulator supports performance evaluations for the proposed dynamic spectrum resource allocation, power control algorithms, and the adaptive Cognitive Radio (CR) networking protocols including the CR MAC and the CR Routing protocols. This simulator uses NS-2 to generate realistic traffic and topology patterns. For each node in this simulator, a reconfigurable multi-radio multi-channel PHY layer is available by customizing the spectrum parameters such as transmission power, propagation and etc 
CRCN simulator enables the interface parameters transmission between different layers, as shown in arrows with blue color. Users just need to replace their own Routing and MAC algorithms according to NS-2 protocol design requirements with the existing one in the CRCN.

Functionality Overview

  Support for CR Routing
·        Multi-radio multi-channel support
·        Single-radio multi-channel support
·        Interface to select radio
·        Interface to select channel
·        Heterogeneous radio and spectrum environment
·        Information needed during routing process
 Support for CR MAC
·        Single-radio multi-channel support
·        Multi-radio multi-channel support
·        Interface to select channel
             ·        Information needed during dynamic spectrum access 
 Support for CR PHY
             ·        Reconfigurable spectrum parameters and radio parameters
             ·        Interference information
             ·        SINR/SNR physical model
CR Routing/CR MAC algorithms
 Performance Evaluation for CR algorithms
 Graphical User Interface (GUI)


This simulator is based on NS-2 (version 2.31). All codes have been tested in ns-2.31 under Linux environment. To use the GUI provided by this simulator, it is required that your system is installed with java runtime environment (JRE) 6 or above. Also, gnuplot should be installed under Fedora. The GUI is tested under Fedora 4.

 1: Make sure your system meets the system requirements.
2 : Download
3 : Change your working directory to XXX/ns-allinone-2.31/ns-2.31/
4:  Unzip the  Copy the files under each subfolders in crcn into the corresponding folders in XXX/ns-allinone-2.31/ns-2.31/. For example, copy the files under crcn/mac/ into XXX/ns-allinone-2.31/ns-2.31/mac/. Please note that it will overwrite some of your ns file in the same directory. Thus, backup the ns directory before executing this command. 
 5: Add the following three lines in the Makefile, which is under XXX/ns-allinone-2.31/ns-2.31/.
            wcett/wcett_logs.o wcett/wcett.o \
            wcett/wcett_rtable.o wcett/wcett_rqueue.o \
            mac/macng.o mac/maccon.o\
6:  Run the following commands under XXX/ns-allinone-2.31/ns-2.31/ directory:
              make clean
              make depend


 1: Install the java JDK version 6 or above under linux, here is the link  how to install java
 2: Install the gnuplot 
3: Put and under your ns working directory XXX/ns-allinone-2.31/ns-2.31/.4. Run CRCN.jar(updated)

check more on the link 

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