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Senin, 14 Mei 2012

Download the Android Market application / Play Store By PC

Download the Android Market application / Play Store By PC - do you know that every day there are new gadgets that are created, every gadget has its own way to use it, in blogs Review All Gadget we are reviewing gadgets from various brands ranging from spec, price and how to use the feature, now we are discussing iformasi that you are looking for Download the Android Market application / Play Store By PC this information we collect from many reliable sources so that complete for you. please see.

Articles : Download the Android Market application / Play Store By PC
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Download the Android Market application / Play Store By PC 

Download Aplikasi Di Google Play Store Dengan PC

After you read the article about "sharing applications on the android" there may be some of you who want to share directly from a computer or without the use of android, this method is very useful, especially if we do not have the android mobile phone internet access unlimit. Nowadays we can use a computer to download the application from google media play store with your PC or Laptop. How do I? Let us discuss how to download applications on google media play store with your PC or Laptop.

Steps should you take:

1.If you use google chrome V17 (can you see in the options menu located in the upper right exactly under the close button, then select "about google chrome"), you can skip this first step, but if you have a version below or blom you can have google chrome google chrome download and install it first, you can get it here. (Why use google chrome? Because downloader application that uses plug-in from google chrome)

APK 2.Download Downloader here. Then drag the web page and navigate to google chrome. There will be a confirmation exstention installation.

3.Tutup google chrome you have installed the plug in / add on's.
4.Kemudian google chrome right-click the icon on your desktop, go to the Properties option, then add the code:

- ignore-errors-certificate

as an example of adding the code:

C: \ ... \ chrome.exe - ignore-errors-certificate


"C: \ ... \ chrome.exe"-ignore-certificate-errors

5.Tutup google chrome back, and then reopen it and go on google play store
6.Klik android image icon in the column next to the URL address (android logo image)

7.Maka will pop up a box containing a warning which you must fill in the email address used on your android device (play your store) and Device ID

8.Isikan email and Device ID (such as serial number) of the android phone you have, because the device id install the application on your android phone. To find out the device ID, you type in * # * # 8255 # * # *. Examples of the android-1234567890abcdef your device ID is 1234567890abcdef

Or you can also find out is to download the application here. Open the device id on the phone and you'll get an email address and device id. Copy and Paste the data.

9.Setelah steps include Device ID and email, you open the application you want to download at google play store, after the web page open sempurana, you click on the android on the top right next to the URL address.

10.Aplikasi has been downloaded and you can move it to your android device.

information Download the Android Market application / Play Store By PC has been discussed

hopefully the information we provide with title Download the Android Market application / Play Store By PC can provide more benefits for you.

well this information Download the Android Market application / Play Store By PC we have finished, if you intend to bookmark or sharenya can use link

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